Buy Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels)

Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Special Offer

You can buy Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels). Also read our Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) reviews before you decide to buy Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Reviews

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Rating: 2.2
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Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels)

Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Overview:

  • 26-inch men's cruiser bike with 18-inch steel frame
  • 6-speed drive train with Shimano twist shifter
  • Steel cantilevered frame and wheels; whitewall cruiser tires
  • Shimano rear derailleur; sure-stopping alloy V-brakes
  • Front and rear fenders; spring cushioned quick-release seat

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Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels)

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Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Reviews
Customer Reviews
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars okay everyday bike, March 4, 2010
Richard P. Skinner (Landstuhl, DE) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports)
rides well. had some minor damage on arrival but seemed to be a shipper problem.
assembly was not clear as the booklet was for multiple style of bikes and needed to repeatedly had to re-reference items.
not as nice as my spouses bike but it cost 3 times more. this meets my needs for casual biking.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Nice bike, but....., December 26, 2009
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports)
Very good looking and nice riding bike. It was given as a gift however I was disappointed that it arrived with numerous cosmetic blemishes, mostly dents in the fenders(splash guards) and it did not come with any instructions on how to put it together....
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1.0 out of 5 stars NOT A SIX SPEED BIKE!!!!!!!!!, August 24, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Victory Touring One Men's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports)
I guess I should have trusted the picture, instead of the 4 times that I read "six speed Shimano shifter" in the description, details and specifications. The bike showed up and it was a single speed. I figured that perhaps the photo was a stock photo and did not show the differences. I had read all of the reviews and nobody mentioned that thier bike showed up as a single speed. I was excited to get the bike and had plans with my family, but did not want to accept the one speed as I am an old fart. In addition, the box that it came in was clearly opened and resealed and some of the parts (nuts and bolts) were laying around in the bottom of the box. I asked for one day shipping (which it was) but now I have to send it back before I get my money back so that I may purchase another bike. (So much for the family plans.) In short, now I don't feel comfortable ordering anything detailed from Amazon. (and yes, it came from directly) I have been a loyal and satisfied prime member... Read more
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