e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) Special Offer
You can buy e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch). Also read our e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) reviews before you decide to buy e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) Overview:
- Travels an average of 30 miles per charge with pedal assist and 20 miles using only the throttle.
- Includes both a torque sensor for pedal assist mode and a throttle for the easiest ride.
- Top speed of 16 MPH miles per hour with throttle or pedal assist.
- 37 volt system - most powerful, best for hilly terrain
- Industry best 2-year electronics warranty (motor, battery and controller) and 10-year frame warranty.
e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) Reviews, On Sale e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch), buy e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch), e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) best buy, e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) Discount, e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) For Sale
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e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Silver, 26-18-Inch) Reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
single person golfcart, November 3, 2011 Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Sports) I bought this bicycle for use as a "single passenger golfcart" to get around campus. After about 6 months of use and a couple of hundred miles it has worked out fine. The motor assist kicks in when starting from a dead stop, or the wind kicks up against the direction you are riding. I suspect it would help on hills too, but this is Florida and we do not have hills. In the middle of the summer I can ride around campus while wearing a suit and tie without breaking a sweat at all. The top speed motor assisted is about 14 - 15 mph. The battery life and recharge speed have not been an issue for me riding it for 1 - 2 mile trips throughout the day.
Compared to my traditional bicycle, changing tires is harder with the motor on the front and the in-hub gear and connections on the rear. Also, the tubes must have the longer airstem due to the wheel design. The "pull" of the motor on the front wheel does take a little getting used to at first. There is an occasional vibration out of... Read more
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: e-Moto Ecco 2.5 Electric Cruiser Bicycle (Sports) I bought this bicycle for use as a "single passenger golfcart" to get around campus. After about 6 months of use and a couple of hundred miles it has worked out fine. The motor assist kicks in when starting from a dead stop, or the wind kicks up against the direction you are riding. I suspect it would help on hills too, but this is Florida and we do not have hills. In the middle of the summer I can ride around campus while wearing a suit and tie without breaking a sweat at all. The top speed motor assisted is about 14 - 15 mph. The battery life and recharge speed have not been an issue for me riding it for 1 - 2 mile trips throughout the day.Compared to my traditional bicycle, changing tires is harder with the motor on the front and the in-hub gear and connections on the rear. Also, the tubes must have the longer airstem due to the wheel design. The "pull" of the motor on the front wheel does take a little getting used to at first. There is an occasional vibration out of... Read more |
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