Buy New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink

New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink Special Offer

You can buy New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink. Also read our New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink reviews before you decide to buy New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink Reviews

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Rating: 4.2
Price : Check Special Offer Today (Limited Time Offer)

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New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink Overview:

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    New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink Reviews
    Customer Reviews
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    6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Bicycle, November 11, 2010
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink (Misc.)
    When ordering this bike, I wanted something for exercise. No bells and whistles, just an old fashioned one speed bicycle. The pictures looked good and so I was really hoping that the sturdy looking structure in the picture was what I would get once the bike arrived. It was, and what a pleasant surprise for me, especially at the price. I've been trying to get something like this for quite a few years, without much success, until now. Thank you for a nice purchase!
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    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars Attention, June 21, 2011
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink (Misc.)
    First of all, this bike looks awesome! Make sure you are prepared to either leave the front fender off or bend the sheet metal (if you have the tools). The box arrived in primo shape but once I inspected parts, the handle bar endcaps were both broken. Besides those issues, it worked out perfectly. Unfortunately, the picture shows the front fender on and ultimately, unless you bend some of the edges, will not fit with the Springer Front End. 3 stars only due to the labor involved with the front fender.
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    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars Nice Cruiser, January 14, 2011
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: New Micargi 26" Ladies Bike Beach Cruiser Bicycle Rover GTS White/Pink (Misc.)
    I bought this bike for my wife for Christmas 2010. Overall, the bike is an excellent cruiser and looks very nice. The only reason for not giving it 5 stars is the axle on the front wheel needs to be longer to accomodate the fender supports and forks that bolt on (the nuts will not screw all the way onto the axle because there is too much stuff that also attaches to the axle). So far, the lock washer seems to be preventing the nuts from backing off, but if ever they do, my wife will certainly let me know!
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