Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Special Offer
You can buy Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels). Also read our Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) reviews before you decide to buy Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Overview:
- 26-inch women's cruiser bike with lightweight aluminum frame
- 7-speed drive train with Shimano twist shifter
- 26-inch aluminum wheels with rust-free stainless spokes
- Eye-catching 2-tone paint job; alloy V-brakes
- Front and rear fenders; spring cushioned seat
Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Reviews, On Sale Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels), buy Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels), Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) best buy, Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Discount, Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) For Sale
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Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) Reviews
20 of 22 people found the following review helpful
Okay Bike - Not Easy To Assemble, December 22, 2009 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports) First off, you get what you pay for. My wife and I bought Men's and Women's Victory Touring Cruiser Bikes for occasional riding for exercise - not any serious cycling. For that purpose, these bikes were great. If you want a thorough bike which will handle well off road and will be using it a ton, I would not recommend these bikes.
Secondly, these bikes were not easy for me to put together. Probably took me 3 hours for the first bike, and once I got the hang of it, 2 hours for the second. Glad I had my own tools too, because the tools they provide are cheap and shotty. The instructions that came with both bikes did NOT help. I tried refering to them, but they were not an easy read unless you're an engineer. Also, it seems like the bike company had a single manual for all their bikes, and just ship that manual with each bike, which was frustrating. For example, these are Crusier bikes with wheel fenders, but the instruction manual didn't specifically cover Cruiser... Read more
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
Great bike for an older rider, July 18, 2011 This review is from: Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports) I am an older man who has had 8 leg surgeries & has zero cartiledge
in my knees. I cannot even do long walking anymore for the pain
but wanted to find a bike, reasonable, that would be SEVERAL THINGS.
EZ to ride & comfortable. Allow for me to remain seated at stops.
Would be well made. Would not look dorky. Was reasonably priced.
I spent three weeks comparing dozens of models before ordering.
This bike is all that. It has a 17 1/2in canted frame, dropped lower,
so its nestled lower between those 26in fat tires. I am 5'9". I can
stay seated at all times. Seat is wide, well padded & heavy springs.
The aluminum rims are well made and have alot of SS steel spokes. Frame
is heavy aluminum alloy & all other parts are either SS steel, aluminum
or chrome. This bike will not rust.
It is NOT one of those flimsy, light, small rimmed, narrow tires, very
cheaply made, but fancy painted bikes that fall apart... Read more
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20 of 22 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports) First off, you get what you pay for. My wife and I bought Men's and Women's Victory Touring Cruiser Bikes for occasional riding for exercise - not any serious cycling. For that purpose, these bikes were great. If you want a thorough bike which will handle well off road and will be using it a ton, I would not recommend these bikes.Secondly, these bikes were not easy for me to put together. Probably took me 3 hours for the first bike, and once I got the hang of it, 2 hours for the second. Glad I had my own tools too, because the tools they provide are cheap and shotty. The instructions that came with both bikes did NOT help. I tried refering to them, but they were not an easy read unless you're an engineer. Also, it seems like the bike company had a single manual for all their bikes, and just ship that manual with each bike, which was frustrating. For example, these are Crusier bikes with wheel fenders, but the instruction manual didn't specifically cover Cruiser... Read more 9 of 9 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Victory Touring Cruiser Women's Cruiser Bike (26-Inch Wheels) (Sports) I am an older man who has had 8 leg surgeries & has zero cartiledgein my knees. I cannot even do long walking anymore for the pain but wanted to find a bike, reasonable, that would be SEVERAL THINGS. EZ to ride & comfortable. Allow for me to remain seated at stops. Would be well made. Would not look dorky. Was reasonably priced. I spent three weeks comparing dozens of models before ordering. This bike is all that. It has a 17 1/2in canted frame, dropped lower, so its nestled lower between those 26in fat tires. I am 5'9". I can stay seated at all times. Seat is wide, well padded & heavy springs. The aluminum rims are well made and have alot of SS steel spokes. Frame is heavy aluminum alloy & all other parts are either SS steel, aluminum or chrome. This bike will not rust. It is NOT one of those flimsy, light, small rimmed, narrow tires, very cheaply made, but fancy painted bikes that fall apart... Read more |
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