Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White) Special Offer
You can buy Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White). Also read our Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White) reviews before you decide to buy Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
This review is from: Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White) (Sports)
I have this bike and have been using it on asphalt bike trails, which are not too hilly. I ride 14 miles per day most days, occasionally I wish I had a lower gear, but mostly it's perfect. It is VERY pink, which looks a little faded in the picture shown. I would not ride this bike on mountain bike trails, the fenders which are great for protecting you from mud puddles on city streets seem to rattle alot if you are not on a semi smooth surface. I have ridden trails prepared with crushed limestone (rails to trails) and it was fine, but slightly rattley.
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This review is from: Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White) (Sports)
I bought this bike for my wife for her 40th birthday gift and I had to give it to her damaged. Seat was torn, paint on rear basket rail was rubbed off and it was bent. I don't believe it was assembled that way, so it had to happen during shipping. My wife really enjoys riding it through town and on easy trails. I would buy another bike from this company but better packaging would be highly recommended.
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This review is from: Schwinn Women's Sanctuary Bicycle (White) (Sports)
I paid 179.00 for this bike and the fender was dented and the paint scratched off. It is hard to buy a decent product these days. The bike rides nice but doesn't look brand new. Bought July 2011.
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